Pivot your Personal Brand for your coaching or Consulting business

How does a woman over-40, turned coach, consultant or creative, convert her previous identity and expertise into her current and future personal brand?

She has to pivot her personal brand.

But what does that even look like? Take a look at this video to understand the context and to gain some perspective on what your personal brand pivot might look like…

Example Personal Brand Video

Video is a non-negotiable for personal brands, whether you’re a 1:1 coach or you’re the face of a huge corporation.

It’s especially important for 1:1 coaches because it’s imperative that you start building relationships with your prospective clients every chance you get. But you may not have the resources that the head of a corporation does to hire an entire production team to create your video content.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t create professional looking personal brand videos with limited resources.

How to Plan for Hosting Live Videos

If you want to start using live video for your personal branding strategy and you’re looking for help on planning your first live online event, then you’re going to love this video.

If you’re not sure where to get started with live video, then watch all the way to the end where I share the different aspects involved with planning and hosting live streaming videos for your personal brand.

7 Types of live video content ideas | Hosting Online Events for beginners

If you want to start using live video for your personal branding strategy and you’re looking for live content ideas, then you’re going to love this video. You’ll learn why you need to start introducing live video into. your personal brand strategy, the 7 Types of live videos you can do as part of your personal brand strategy,
how to be confident on live video and learn about my new live video series… and how you can benefit

Are you a Realist Archetype? 3 Signs you might be a Realist

If you’re the kind of woman who takes comfort in prioritising practicality, considering likely outcomes and doing what’s always worked in the past while being unbiased (although you prefer to engage with people who are trustworthy and unpretentious), then you probably have a dominant Realist Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.

Are you a Sage Archetype? 3 Signs you might be a Sage

If you’re the kind of woman who’s curious about many topics, perceives life as a learning process, is considered knowledgeable by others, and the pursuit of that knowledge and the resulting understanding is its own reward for you, then you probably have a dominant Sage Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.

Are you a Queen / Ruler Archetype? 3 Signs you might be a Queen / Ruler

If you’re the kind of woman who is drawn to leadership and the active exertion of influence and you use your power to attain outcomes, maintain orderliness and ensure the best possible result for the projects you’re part of, then you probably have a dominant Queen a.k.a. Ruler Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.

Are you an Outlaw Archetype? 3 Signs you might be an Outlaw

If you’re the kind of woman who’s a non-conformist, who challenges and changes mundane and antiquated rules and who doesn’t trust people who continue to do things a certain way, just because that’s the way they’ve always been done, then you probably have a dominant Outlaw Personality Archetype.

You’re also the kind of woman who’s going to love this series about the 12 Personality Archetypes.