personality archetype quiz

What’s your Archetype?

Personal reinvention begins with awareness. Discover your archetype and start exploring…

personality archetypes

Knowing your personality archetype builds confidence through...

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Aligning your business brand to the values that fulfil you & bring meaning to your life
  • Improving personal, business and community relationships through increased understanding and empathy
  • Creating opportunities by tapping into your own goldmine of perspectives and abilities that might otherwise have been ignored
  • Providing a mirror that turns self-imposed limitations into empowering pathways for growth
  • Giving you the freedom and permission to create and share your creative gifts 
  • Providing a compass that directs the course of your life and business journey to lead you to the type of lifestyle you truly desire

… and the benefit of knowing your personality archetype I’m most excited about is the confidence it gives you from the very start of your journey! 

Discover your personality archetype

It’s like having your very own compass…

Discover your personality archetype now...


Personality Archetype Quiz

If you want to do meaningful work and sense that your personal brand is out of alignment, then discovering your personality archetype can help connect you to the core truth of who you are. As a result, everything you create and share in relation to your business can exude your true essence and have a transformative impact on those you reach as well as how you show up.

This assessment will help you remember who you really are. Knowing your dominant archetype will help you create content and build a personal brand that feels true, is easy to implement and a joy to express.

This is an extensive assessment and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Please answer carefully and describe yourself as you are now, the majority of the time, not as you would like to be. Be as honest as possible, go with your gut response.


Include your email address if you'd like to receive your results by email.

Only tick if you do NOT grant permission for your anonymous results to be used for research purposes. This data will be used in anonymised format (name and email address removed) for academic research by Abigail Klopper. If you do NOT want the data you have entered to be part of this research, please click the checkbox.

1. Sometimes I experience extreme achievement with absolute ease

2. I don't like standing out & ensure that everyone is included

3. I actively shape my own life experience & personal expression

4. I don't conform to conventions

5. I work hard and know that life isn't always easy

6. I’ll challenge any wrong-doing I’m aware of

7. I’m on a journey of continual self exploration

8. Making people laugh is my life’s pleasure

9. I follow my bliss and commit 100% to the people & things I love

10. I aim to be the real me in every situation even if it's socially awkward

11. I get over my fears and get on with things

12. My inner reality impacts my outer reality

13. The journey of developing my own personal well-being, helps me help others

14. I feel unsettled & bored when I'm expected to conform

15. My dreams, ideas & conversations often spark transformation

16. I’m happier giving to others than receiving

17. I believe there is a link between all people and all things in the world

18. I trust my past experience and don't get swayed by pipe dreams

19. I like visible orderliness and quality craftsmanship

20. I empathise deeply & understand what others need, sometimes before they do

21. It's natural for me to take charge in group situations

22. I like to demonstrate my success

23. I explore new possibilities in search of my ideal life

24. I do research & gather information without pre-conceived ideas

25. I am rarely flustered and often socially aloof

26. I develop my strength & resilience so I can protect myself & others

27. I’d rather take on the responsibility & make the decisions

28. I enjoy bringing serious people out of their shell

29. I'll often say and do what others are thinking, but don't 

30. I'm deeply curious about learning & applying universal principles in my life

31. I feel love for all people & am comfortable displaying that love

32. The soul needs a little chaos now and then

33. I’m good at matching projects with people’s capabilities

34. Solving old problems demands radical new solutions

35. I achieve goals & success through discipline

36. Humour is a way I communicate difficult truths

37. I actively attempt to turn my dreams into reality

38. I like helping people find each other through matchmaking or networking

39. I seize every day with enthusiasm - people, activities, surroundings, work

40. I live in the moment and sometimes avoid facing problems

41. I treat rules like friendly suggestions

42. I'm a good person & appreciate simple pleasures so I'll have a good life

43. I make a difference by who I am as much as by what I do

44. My quest for more information allows me to educate others

45. I love 'ah-ha' moments that lead to shifts in perception & behaviour

46. I get along well with most people & like being part of the group

47. My growth in life is proportional to my spiritual development

48. Objectivity is my priority

49. I see the silver-linings in situations

50. I challenge people who are offensive

51. I believe that people don’t intend for others to suffer

52. It's easier to be accountable to others than to myself

53. I feel good when I’m reassuring others

54. I’ll risk myself in defence of my beliefs

55. I enjoy being disruptive and pushing boundaries

56. I believe there is always greener grass somewhere

57. I like to develop standardised practices

58. I’ve changed from the person I used to think I was

59. I’m naturally sensual

60. I get fulfilment through my relationships

61. The journey is as important as the destination

62. I break outdated rules and am unconcerned about offending people

63. I long for the simple things in life

64. I rely on common sense and recognise pitfalls easily

65. I believe there are many valid perspectives in any situation

66. I’d rather have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

67. I remain objective by looking at the big picture.

68. I’m known by others as ‘The fun one!'

69. When life gets too mundane, I get a little stir-crazy

70. I enjoy making something beautiful out of nothing

71. I inherently trust other people

72. I believe in the long run everything is working in my favour

73. It gives me joy to support and help others thrive

74. I’m always seeking out the facts behind the fiction

75. I want to provide for everyone in all situations

76. I enjoy spontaneous adventures and new experiences

77. I disappear into my imagination easily

78. I struggle to say no to others

79. I have so many ideas and so little time

80. I’m a better person now because of the sacrifices I’ve made for others

81. I’m ridding myself of things that are out of alignment for me

82. I avoid being alone and excluded at all costs

83. My independence & freedom are my priority

84. I like to share connection and relatability with others