Should new YouTubers have Multiple Channels?

Should you have more than one YouTube Channel as a new YouTuber?

Having trouble deciding if you should have multiple YouTube Channels?

Wondering whether you can run a second YouTube Channel?

Watch this video for insights learned through experience and the pros and cons of having more than one YouTube Channel, especially if you’re just starting our YouTube. I share what I wish I’d known when I first created my YouTube Channel.

Should beginners have more than one YouTube Channel?  


Watch now: Should newbies have MULTIPLE YOUTUBE CHANNELS?


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Video Timestamps

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 01:05 New YouTuber Problem
  • 01:30 My YouTube story
  • 02:19 Why it’s so confusing
  • 02:48 When to decide on one or two youtube channels
  • 03:14 Two schools of thought
  • 04:37 What to do when you start a YouTube Channel
  • 05:45 Questions new YouTubers should ask themselves
  • 07:50 Pros of having multiple YouTube Channels
  • 08:16 Cons of having multiple YouTube Channels
  • 08:34 My Big YouTube Mistake
  • 08:59 Best YouTube Decisions ever
  • 10:00 The Major problem with having multiple channels
  • 10:24 Advice for new YouTubers
  • 10:49 Grab my free Youtube workflow
  • 12:22 The 3 most important things when starting on YouTube

Multi-passionate creators and business owners who wants to get started on YouTube are often not sure whether to start with one, or two or more channels for all their different interests.

Abigail K

over 40 Content Creator

Why you’re so confused as a new YouTuber:

You don’t really know because you see some big YouTubers sharing anything and everything on a single channel and then you see other big YouTubers sharing different kinds of content across multiple channels.

So I understand why you’re confused – I was too – for a very long time! And it was only in the last 6 months that I got the clarity I’m sharing with you in this post, that has given me renewed enthusiasm and confidence in the video content I share on YouTube.

Decide on one, two or multiple channels early on in your YouTube journey 

If you’re new to YouTube like I am (although I’ve had my YouTube channel for several years, I’ve only gotten serious and strategic with it in the past 6 months, so I still count myself as a YouTube newbie), then making this one decision early on in your YouTube journey can make all the difference to your future success.

Honestly, I wish I’d received this exact advice 5 years ago – I’d be far further along than I currently am.

But, it also means that I get to grow alongside you, so we’re in this together and I know exactly what you’re going through.

Abigail K

over 40 content creator

Should you have more than one YouTube Channel when starting out on YouTube?

There are at least 2 different schools of thought:

  1. Put it all on one channel to give people the full picture of who you are.
  2. Separate them according to subject matter and style.

I’m going with the latter and here’s why:

  1. The former approach is good if you already have a huge following because then you’ve already got an audience who’s interested in all facets of your life

  2. Smaller channels like mine and your channels should be set up to serve our audience – focussing on them not on ourselves.

I tried the former while growing my YouTube channel and found that it confused the few people who were subscribed because in ‘YouTube land’ I’m a ‘nobody’.

I haven’t yet built the authority in a particular field to warrant the expectation that my small audience would be interested or even care about what I do on weekends or what I eat.

So when you’re a smaller channel, starting out, get really clear about how your channel benefits your audience. Unless you’re already a celebrity, your channel and content needs to be what your audience finds valuable.

I learned this the hard way…

Be clear about your YouTube channel content before you start

Ever since making the decision and starting to separate my archetyping, content creation and personal branding content on my Abigail K channel and making the decision to create a new channel for my outdoor adventures with my husband and our vegan foodie content on my Looking For Adventure channel, I’ve not only had more confidence and enthusiasm for the videos I make but I’ve also seen a significant uptake in subscribers and views on both channels.

Most importantly I’ve got more clarity about my separate audiences and the content they will relate to.

My business audience isn’t necessarily interested in veganism, minimalism and outdoor adventures.

And my outdoorsy audience isn’t necessarily interested in personality profiling, photo and video making or digital minimalism.

So it makes sense to separate them out and create videos that the specific audience enjoys and gets value from so they keep coming back for more of the same. Not random, all over the place content.

 Ask What?

What is your viewer really interested in? 

And then build a channel around that interest or collection of related interests.

Questions New YouTubers should ask themselves:

So here’s some questions to ask yourself if you’re starting out on YouTube and are wondering whether to create one or two channels.

Ask Why?

Why do you want to create and share videos on YouTube? 

Business or personal? To link up to your offerings that people can buy or merely to share something you’re interested in or to document your personal adventures.

Ask How?

How can you manage creating different content for different channels? 

If you’re already strapped for time and resources to maintain one channel, you may want to reconsider the second channel until your first channel starts earning enough to run itself with the help of outsourced assistance. And on that note – I would highly recommend, if you’re considering more than one channel – max out at two to start with. I am turning into a digital minimalist and in this world, less is frequently more.


So to recap:

Should new YouTubers have Multiple Channels?

Pros for having more than one YouTube Channel:

  1. you can test which topics do well
  2. If someone’s enjoyed a particular video and heads to your channel, they’re going to check whether there are similar videos around similar topics to warrant subscribing to your channel, so like attracts like.
  3. You can cross promote your channels and give your audience the choice to browse the content on your other channels.

Major Con for having more than one YouTube Channel:

  1.  Managing Multiple Channels takes lots of time and energy

My advice for new YouTubers:

Start with one channel to simply start and go into it with the expectation that you’ll clarify what’s best for you over time, and with the sound reasoning I’ve given you here, you’ll know when it’s time to branch out into multiple channels.


Grab my YouTube Workflow…

And if you have already started on YouTube but you’re needing a system to help you find your rhythm and groove then grab my free YouTube Workflow worksheet and checklist.

This is the exact process I’m using to grow my own channel and clarify my YouTube video process.

You might find it handy too… visit to download it straight away.

Leave a comment

How many YouTube channels do you currently have?

And also, what kinds of videos you do or would like to share on YouTube?

And if you don’t yet have a channel on YouTube, but you want one, what’s holding you back?

Let me know in the comments below…

Your content creation and online alignment starts with YOU.

Discover your archetype and start the journey…



Join the 2 hour guided online workshop to help you identify your social media personality type. 

Learn about the 5 different types of personalities when it comes to social media, which one you currently are, which one you aspire to be and how to make get there, so that you can start using the online space in a way that suits your unique personality.


WHEN: Tuesday, 8 February 2022: 17:00 – 19:00 GMT+2

WHERE: Google Meet – Link will be emailed to you once registered.

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