Building an online business is like building a puzzle

Building an online business is like building a puzzle

Building an online business and creating meaningful content is like building a puzzle.

It’s a delicate dance of patience, commitment and facing multiple failed attempts.


If left unattended our mind can start playing tricks on us, convincing us that there’s a piece missing. 

At worst that persuasive voice allows self doubt to swoop in and steal it’s opportunity to make us question whether we didn’t notice an errant piece falling under the table… 

Much like any endeavour – creative or otherwise – building a puzzle can be frustrating at times.


The last 18 months has shaken and stirred many small businesses like mine. 


As a creator, my in-person photography work all but dried up overnight. 

After some time to process the new reality, a big move to the middle of nowhere (and back) and some deep introspection, I began to take stock of the pieces of the puzzle I had laying in front of me. 


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Over the years I’ve attempted many online projects, some mildly successful, others abject failures in the generic definition of the word. 

But after more than a year of forced reflection, I’ve realised that the value of those disparate projects lies not in their individual capacity, but in their collective alignment

Building (or re-building) a business is a process, much like building a puzzle. 

Abigail K

over 40 Content Creator

Building an online business requires curiosity & experimentation

It requires that one particular piece of the puzzle be in place first before the next one will fit. And it requires a willingness to set a particular piece to the side until it’s place becomes more apparent. 

It’s a layered process and too many of us hope that as we tip all the pieces out the box onto the table, they’ll all magically fall into position and the picture will be complete. But where’s the fun in that? 

I’ve come to realise that this ‘wishful thinking’ comes from only ever see the complete picture others present to the world. We see all their puzzle pieces nicely in place and we begin doubting our own ability because our puzzle pieces are still muddled in disarray on the table. Our minds block out the entire process it took to complete their picture.

There’s hope…

Getting the pieces onto the table is just the first step, and a very important step at that. 

You need those pieces there in all their muddled glory, otherwise there’s no puzzle to build.  

Once you’ve turned them out, you can start to see what they are and you can begin the process of sorting them according to colour, shades and textures. 

Having the reference picture close by helps to keeps you on track. 

Much like having a vision and purpose helps you focus on the projects that build the big picture of the life and business you want. 

Looking at other people’s businesses, profiles, and successes is like referencing the box of a completely different puzzle and trying to make sense of your own pieces. 

It will only confuse you, frustrate you and prove absolutely pointless. 

The puzzle pieces you have are not the puzzle pieces that could ever build someone else’s picture. When you try, you’ll fail, and you’ll begin to devalue your own pieces. You’ll begin to make yourself inferior and that’s fertile soil for self doubt. 

You already have what you need to build your online business 

Everything you need to complete YOUR picture is right in front of you, it’s in you. Knowing this is the missing piece of the puzzle. 

Build the picture your puzzle pieces were intended for.

I’ve recently taken stock of all my puzzle pieces.

I realise now that for years I always referenced other people’s pictures and that made me doubt the value of what I’d built. 

Now that I’m focussed on my own puzzle picture and I’m committed to patiently placing one piece into position at a time and I’m willing to try different approaches and configurations, I’m starting to see a picture take shape. 

Build the picture your puzzle pieces were intended for.

Abigail K

over 40 content creator

The truth is… 

The truth is, there really are no missing pieces. 

When you’re building the right puzzle with the right pieces that line up and link up naturally and easily, you’ll realise you already have everything you need. The rest is merely a process of placing one piece at a time…

This is me expressing my Explorer Archetype in full joy. 

Do you know your Archetype?

The more you build your life and your business around the experiences that are meaningful to your archetype, the more you’ll express your true nature in everything you create in real life and online and the more aligned you’ll be to your true identity. 

Whether in life or business, alignment with your true identity creates more joy, abundance, confidence and impact.

Discover your archetype today – take the FREE quiz.

Your content creation and online alignment starts with YOU.

Discover your archetype and start the journey…

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