Building an online business is like building a puzzle

Building an online business is like building a puzzle

Building an online business is like building a puzzle Building an online business and creating meaningful content is like building a puzzle. It’s a delicate dance of patience, commitment and facing multiple failed attempts. If left unattended our mind can start playing tricks on us, convincing us that there’s a piece missing.  At worst that … Read more

Do Women over 40 Use Social Media Incorrectly?

On a recent “Forest Walk” I came to realise that we ‘midlife entrepreneurs’ use social media differently.

I wonder if you can relate to the 3 ways it seems that women over 40 use social media differently to our younger counterparts.

On a recent “Forest Walk” I came to realise that we ‘midlife entrepreneurs’ use social media differently.

I wonder if you can relate to the 3 ways it seems that women over 40 use social media differently to our younger counterparts.

Change your identity, life and business with a morning routine

The life we’ve built and the person we are is a direct result of the habits we’ve maintained – good habits and bad habits. If you want to change your life, start by changing your habits, and when you do that, you’ll change your identity – and it all starts with the way you start every new day.

In this video I’m going to share with you my new morning routine and the fundamental tool that’s changed my identity…


There are 7 types of photos that every personal brand and small business should have for their visual content. By the end of this video you’ll know what personal brand photos you should have in your digital assets library, where to use them and how to make them yourself so that you can keep your content fresh, current and relevant.