Where’s your Happy Place? | How our environments impact our confidence

Our environment plays a crucial role in our levels of confidence. I have been reminded once again the truth of this statement.

We’ve returned to the city after a year of living out in the middle of nowhere. In a tiny hamlet outside of a tiny town, miles from any built up urbanised areas. A town that most people would turn their nose up at if the suggestion was made that they move there. That’s what I did. And then something incredible happened…

Ironically, we’ve since returned to the city because, the countryside changed us. For the better.

Living in the middle of nowhere for a year has gifted me with the confirmation of the lifestyle I could once only think I might like. Now I know for sure.

While experiencing my real-life ‘future imagine memory’, I felt my overall confidence and well-being thrive. I was more creative and expansive in my thinking. I dared to play and create. I appreciated every moment I got to experience with the abundance of nature around me and for the first time, I truly loved my life.

It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows – we had escaped the city because of the global pandemic, and we may have had a mouse infestation in the cottage we were living in. So that was fun.

But honestly, I don’t ever remember feeling such visceral happiness. Every day.

The closest moments of happiness I could relate that feeling to, are the moments I’ve spent in my pine forest. It is the one thing I’ve missed most being out in the semi-arid desert, and is the one pay-off of being back in the city.

When we can escape our apartment now, we escape to the forest, a mere 10 minutes drive down the road…

As with many things in life – our stay in the countryside was temporary. I always knew that and reminded myself regularly so as to keep myself present and soak up each tiny moment while I could.

So too is our stay back in the city. This move is a necessary and temporary one that will lead to more (less temporary) countryside adventures in the not too distant future. Having tasted and fallen in love with country life, I know who I am – I’m a countryside girl.

So while I can’t currently open the front door in the morning and walk out barefoot on the grass to feed the birds and drink my tea, I can hop in the car and go hug a tree. And for that, I am grateful.

What’s your happy place?

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